Installation ============ Prerequisites ------------- 1. On linux, make sure to install ``xclip``. 2. Optionally, define the ``EDITOR`` environment variable to an editor of your choice (this is usually already set on unix systems). 3. Optionally, for improved presentation, install ``bibtex``. ``pip`` installation -------------------- .. code-block:: bash pip3 install bibo On linux / mac you might need to prepend the above command with ``sudo`` for system wide installation, or, preferably, use the ``--user`` flag like this: .. code-block:: bash pip3 install --user bibo For more information see the `official packages installation guide`_. Auto-complete ------------- To activate auto-complete, if you're using Bash add the following to your ``.bashrc`` .. code-block:: bash eval "$(_BIBO_COMPLETE=bash_source bibo)" If you're on zsh add this to your ``.zshrc`` .. code-block:: bash eval "$(_BIBO_COMPLETE=zsh_source bibo)" Now, while in the middle of a command, press to auto-complete options, arguments, or keys from your ``.bib`` database. .. _`official packages installation guide`: